[Update] "Bad Teacher," Neil Dembeck Uses Multiple Aliases To Claim His Facebook Account Was Hacked Months Ago When Racial Slurs Were Made Toward Dean Player

Word gets around fast and when it does, people will do everything in their power to cover their tracks; even if it means making up multiple aliases to cover your tracks.
Some of you may recall an article that I wrote back in March about a Baltimore County P.E. teacher who said racial slurs to Dean Player via Facebook in response to a status he made about Nancy Reagan. Well, Neil found his way to my blog and what happened from then up until this week was quite weird. It began with a notification that Neil followed my blog.
Then, I received a comment from a Kevin Andrews and what was peculiar about that is the email address attached the name, and following from this person. The email included Neil Dembeck‘s full name. Therefore, I knew it was Neil commenting. The comment said Wow  and nothing else was said.
Days later, I am getting back to back notifications from different aliases asking for the article to be taken down. It appeared that either Neil was commenting using different usernames or, that he got people around him to comment to make it look like he had a backing. The aliases were claiming that Neil‘s Facebook account was hacked. They also talked about his African American acquaintances and each comment either concluded with asking me to take the article down or telling me that Neil wouldn’t commit the acts that were stated, and proven, in my previous article.
My question is, if Neil‘s account was really hacked, would he have reached out to Dean and sent a long apologetic message the day after the incident?
Was it the hacker that apologized? Things that make you wonder. I sent the blog comments over to Dean via Facebook messenger where he was able to send me screenshots of people inquiring about Neil and his tactics including, another Facebook profile he made with a different name.
Also said to be him below, a Sammy Deal alias inquiring about Neil:
In reference to Sammy Deal alias:
It’s quite evident that Neil was embarrassed by what he said but, that doesn’t excuse him from it. I wrote the article to make him an example of what NOT to do when you are teaching children, or period. We are forced to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but then you have incidents such as this that really make you question the validity of this statement. People forget that the Internet is very powerful and that everyone can access anything you say at any time. Maybe next time Neil will choose his battles wisely and think before he regurgitates the same vernacular that brought down society years ago and is still continuing to.
Here’s the link to the original article: