This Happened: Shae takes a brief look in to the NFL Kickoff Festivities, was this just to butter us Baltimoreans up for not having our home team at home?


(picture in courtesy of

On September 5, 2013 the NFL season for 2013-2014 kicked off. The first game of this season included my home team and last season’s Super Bowl champions, The Baltimore Ravens who played The Denver Broncos at their home stadium. I was a bit skeptical when it came to that , why weren’t the super bowl champions playing at home? I’m pretty sure everyone in Baltimore had similar thoughts. The fact that the Ravens had to play in Denver was the reason that they decided to have a concert where country singer Keith Urban performed ,which I think was a sorry cover up for the Ravens not playing at home,I did not attend the concert. Before the concert, earlier in the day their were other activities going on, I guess to butter us up. It was an awkward embarrassment.

And of Course…..I was there!



Unfortunately our Ravens took a loss the first game but, we will return with a vengeance!