[New Music] King LB X Always
Recently, it has been reported that Samsung is going to be releasing an unlocked version of the Samsung Galaxy S8 on May 31st. The initial release of the Galaxy was April 21st. As we all know, most high-quality phones like […]
We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve felt compelled to just walk away, but something stops us from doing just that. We get so caught up in the routine of our everyday lives and we become dependent upon that […]
I come from a neighborhood in Baltimore where there hasn’t been much hope for its condition for more than a decade. The area is Lexington Terrace, also known as Poe Homes, and now the Poppleton neighborhood. Regardless of the name, […]
The 2017 Kidney Walk The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland kicked off it’s 15th annual Greater Baltimore Kidney Walk this past weekend. This walk supports patients fighting chronic kidney disease. Philadelphia hip-hop artist, Freeway participated in the walk as ambassador and […]
It was recently revealed in a report that the NSA collected more than 151 Million phone records in the year 2016 alone, despite a system implemented by Congress to deter this form of metadata collection. The report was issued Tuesday, […]
So before I thought about asking this question, I had to do a little research and questioning myself. As of May 4th, 2017, it was made known that the republicans plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. If […]
A huge development has taken place in the health sciences department that could possibly be a source of both great controversy and great esteem in the very near future. Recently, 8 premature lambs all between 105-120 days into pregnancy were […]