Michael, 27 never looked so good! Happy Birthday from #TeamMBJ and I!
It’s that time! I thought I would let #TeamMBJ shine again because I love them! Turning 27 has to feel good for Michael B. because most of the time with age comes wisdom. We wanted to personally wish you a happy birthday! I’ve watched you come up and success looks good on you! Even though we can’t be there physically to celebrate with you, we all will be there in spirit! Happy Birthday Michael, from #TeamMBJ and I!!!
Here’s some Birthday Messages from your dedicated fans!
Twitter/IG: @Beyond_Shae
Hey!! I’m always up to something when it comes to you. I want to start off by saying that I chose this particular picture because while I was in Los Angeles in November I told myself that both and you will have a star on Hollywood Boulevard one day! I reserved that one for you. You have grown in to such a charming and talented man and I am glad to say I support someone like you! I swear you’re my best-friend/lover/brother in my head! You’ve showed not only the nation but, the world that you are great and I love you for that! Happy freakin Birthday! May God bless you with many more 27th birthdays! Please send me some cake and I promise when we meet I’ll get you some of that Ice cream you kept eating in “That Awkward Moment” (lol) Did you even really like that ice cream? Anyway, before I let you hear from #TeamMBJ I had a question, Will you be my long distance Valentine?? You can’t say no! PS: I’m tired of people asking me “Where’s Wallace” (lol)
Tawana Nobles
in San Antonio, TX
Age: 30ish
Twitter: LovingteeLTL
“Michael, first I want to congratulate you on all of your success and wish you the best & most prosperous year yet! Secondly, I want to wish you a very Happy 27th Birthday! May your special day be filled with lots of love, fun, and laughter! May you be surrounded by the ones you love and the ones that love you! Oh, and awesome food and a yummy cake! And at some point in the midst of the celebration and cake, take a moment to thank The Lord for blessing you as He has! Because you truly are blessed! Even though we are mere strangers, I can’t help but love you! Happy Birthday & enjoy!!”
Twitter/IG: @Courgasm
“To my favorite young, talented actor: Happy Birthday. I am truly in love with the gift you bring to this world and the stories you are able to tell through your craft. It has truly inspired me to follow my dreams, actually many of them. Hopefully, (if God sees fit) one day through my Journey I will get to meet you, speak with you, and pick your brain (or marry you, whichever feels right 0_0). Again, I hope you enjoy your birthday, and many more. Sincerely, (arguably) your biggest fan.”
Instagram: @Dr_Psych_Ya_Mind
Twitter: @Drpsychyamind
“So I would like to send a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite actor Michael B. Jordan! Man you are definitely WINNING right now! I love to see pictures of you on the grind or socializing with other great individuals (from Oprah to Bill Clinton). I’m out here buying blu-rays (Fruitvale Station), purchasing movie tickets (That Awkward Moment), and anxiously awaiting to pick up the new issue of Vanity Fair and ESSENCE magazine! You have your supporters out her spending money bruh! LOL…but in all sincerity I hope you have a blessed and memory filled 27th birthday and may God bless you with many more to come and much more success and prosperity. On another note we are getting old…knocking on 30!!! (I turn 27 in 2 weeks!) There is definitely something special about us February ’87 babies! Keep striving for greatness and giving us something to look forward too for our generation! Many blessings!”
“Happy Birthday Michael! Im so proud to call myself a fan of yours. 2013 was such a great year for you and the years to come will be even better. You never cease to amaze me with your talents. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us. I hope you have a great day my love. Live it up! You get finer with age just like wine Love you always Michael! God Bless. Love Bri :)”
Twitter: @born_miracole
Instagram: @vri_vlex
Destiny W.
Twitter: @imkemydestiny
IG: I_Make_My_Destiny
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/LegacyoftheLotus
” I want to wish you a very happy birthday. You are one of few celebs that I admire & you’re the only one I have a huge crush on which is crazy because I am not the type of person to be very star struck. Anyway! Hope u have a blast & I’d love a happy birthday for my 24th June 19.”
Porcha Jaelyn
“MBJ, Happy, happy birthday! May the new year bring you much deserved success and happiness! You’re amazing!”
Larricka Moultrie
Pensacola, FL
“Happy Birthday Michaelllllllllll! I wish you the biggest, most grand birthday wish I could ever muster up! You’ve had a great year and I know it is just the beginning. My love for you has been shining pretty bright because people I know that didn’t even know you before Fruitvale just went to support you in That Awkward Moment….you are headed past the moon and as a faithful #TeamMBJ member, I’m ready for the ride!! So turn up! Lol You deserve it!!!! I love you and again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! <3″
Detroit, MI
Twitter: @__TimelessBeau(2 underscores)
“Happy birthday to most amazing, talented, sexiest, charming, caring man ever. I admire your dedication to the craft and your ability to remain the goofy, humble, fun to be around guy you are. I’m an aspiring actress and your work have motivated me in ways you could not have imagined. My dream would be to work with you one day or even just meet you or simple as a follow on twitter. I love u and I hope your birthday is as awesome as you are.
Forever a fan,
“Screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY To My Baby MBJ! Hope U Enjoy It & Get Everything That U’ve Asked For. May God Grant U Peace, Prosperity, and Long Life As Well As Great Success, Good Health, and Happiness. Live It Up Like It’s Ur Last! Love U. Muah :-*
Love Lady Lissa :)”
“Through out most of my life Michael B. Jordan has continuously appeared on my radar, each time making me fall in love with him and his acting a little bit more. Whether it be on the Wire, All My Children, Parenthood or one of my favorite shows Friday Night Lights he’s always managed to remind me why he’s one of my favorite actors. Seeing his remarkable performance in Fruitvale Station this past year has made me as a fan very proud; not only by the role and message he shared with the world through the project, but the recognition and awards he has received because of it. Having such young and talented black actors like Michael, and just young actors in general, is amazing because we know once those who come before them are no longer as prominent in Hollywood we have a group of talent we can continue to watch. It’s great to see him getting the recognition he deserves so that the rest of the world can finally see what I, and the rest of his fans do. He’s a young, talented and sophisticated man who deserves all the past, present, and future success that comes his way.”
Jahnine Lawrence
“I just want to say Happy Birthday to a great actor Michael B.Jordan. You’re an amazing person and I am proud to be a fan. I Loved your past projects and I am definitely looking forward to new ones. Well I hope you enjoy your day and once again Happy Birthday <3”
Jersey City,NJ
“First off let me start by saying happy birthday Michael.I’m sure this birthday is very special because 2013 has been a great year in your career .But even before all the buzz surrounding your outstanding role in “Fruitvale Station” ,I’ve been a fan ever since I saw “Hardball” and “Blackout”.I knew back then you were a force to be reckoned with .Your an amazing actor and since your from Jersey I know your an amazing person.With “The Awkward Moment “ coming out this year ,and “Fantastic Four” and “Rocky” in the works I’ll say 2014 will be another great year for you.Wishing you tons of success .Ending it with the famous inspirational quote from “Friday Night Lights”,“Clear eyes,full hearts ,can’t lose.”“
Ig: Amylunajordan
age; 18
“Happy Birthday Michael I love you so much and I’m so proud of you! You’re the greatest and I hope you have the bestest birthday ever, and have lots of fun because you deserve it”
“On this special day I would like to wish a person who is charming and very talented a Happy Birthday may God shower His blessings on you today tomorrow and forever. I wish you the BEST many many more to come.”
Twitter: KeyaunaChantel
Website: www.chattertainment.com
Washington, DC
“Sending birthday wishes to a man deserving of all of the success and happiness that is on the horizon. Stay grounded and humble. Happy 27th birthday MBJ!
Peace and blessings,”
Brooklyn, NY
“Happy birthday Michael! May you live to see many, many, many more! I hope you enjoy your day! God bless! Xoxo, Gabby :)”

Happy Birthday MBJ!! I hope you have a fabulous day! Enjoy yourself & I wish you many, many more happy birthday’s! I’ll be patiently was sitingy shout out on twitter!! LovingteeLTL?
Happy 27th birthday Michael you are a amazing person and I’m honored to be able to wish you a happy birthday I swear it took everything out of me to not pass out when I seen you at the superbowl but yeah I’m really proud of u where both from jersey and we both grew up at the same time and I’m glad that u made it and grew into the best man that u can be… I can just go on and on but I’m not I’m gonna save some room for ur other fans just know u have a friend in me when ever u need to talk stay true love u enjoy this beautiful day of yours…