[Artist Spotlight] Meet KC , Creator of ‘Empowered Metals’ [Powered By TranceVizion & Devin Trent]

Shot by: Devin Trent
Shot by: Devin Trent

KC is a welder who tattoos metal. He uses his custom metal art pieces to spread empowerment. The size of his pieces range from a table to a keychain and each piece is one-of-a-kind and customized per your request.  His work looks better in person so be sure to check out his art Empowered Metals.




KC is also founder of the organization called #FixBaltimore


 The organization is dedicated to improving the material conditions, economic opportunities, and overall atmosphere of urban Baltimore. During the past year, #FixBaltimore’s initiatives have grown and evolved into a movement for and by passionate young people. Their urgency for change has motivated artistic, agricultural, job training, and youth-centered projects.

Contact Info:

Phone: 443-651-3881

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kc_x2/


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keith.k.cooper


Photo: https://www.instagram.com/devintrent88/