We’re looking at Sprite Films’ new Mentor for 2014 : Michael B Jordan!

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Lately Michael has been on the roll with his positive insertion in to the film industry. Even when people were trying to distract him with their negativity he still remained positive, which is probably why he would be the perfect candidate for mentoring! This past Thursday at CinemaCon  Michael discussed how he will be mentoring  the student filmmaker finalists, giving them advice about the ropes of Hollywood.

Michael goes on to say: “What’s a dream without action or a talent without a stage to set it free?”Michael shared. “Each year Sprite Films finds student filmmakers who have it – the fearlessness and dedication to pursue their passion for film – and supports them to grow their dreams on a national platform. I’m lending my support by meeting with the student finalists to share my story as an actor and what I have learned from my mentors.”

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It is good to see that Michael notices the hard work of the students who are trying to work their way in to an industry that is truly competitive because he understands that he was once a person who had to learn the ropes. The student’s film that is picked as the winner will be showcased in theaters across the country in August. You can go watch and vote for your favorite films here:
